Friday, May 15, 2009

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Self Management Education

Diabetes Mellitus has one of the highest prevalence in Malaysia. It is the job of medical educators to promote the importance of diabetic education to the poor patients and also the ignorant public. Diabetes Mellitus if it is not well taken care of will cause many different complications such as diabetic nephropathy, neuropathy, diabetic foot disease, hypertension, more susceptable to infection and the list goes on and on.....

I bet you dont' want to find yourself one day in the dialysis centre down dialysis 3 times a week each session taking 3-4 hours of your life.... DIABETES can make this a reality if you don't start controlling and preventing it!!

This is really going to be boring if i continue to type like this.

So lets take a little scenario of our daily life....
Diet: How much do you take???? Burger, FAT, NO Vegetables??? Bad bad!
I just have the cravings for the fatty jack daniels TGIF burger! OMG the juicy beef, soaking my mouth!!! Bringing myself to OBESITY!! Might end up with a shorter life!! @.@

To prevent diabetes mellitus, the first step is to CONTROL your WEIGHT!! I am very sure each and everyone of us are aware of the term BMI (Body Mass Index)....
*don't lie i know some of you don't know*

To make this a little more idiot prove....
Body Mass Index = your weight in kg divide by your height in m twice!!

Ok... lets see in my list of friends, MOST Probably to be overweight!
2. Jin Hang or Kevin
3. Darren
4. Benjamin
5. Surely underweight Kok Yuen, Haow Kang, Kok Ket, Zheng Shan!! I am surprised you guys are not malnutrient!! =)

This is a little sensitive topic to the girls so i am not going to rank them!! =)
Well you know for yourself!!

BMI ranking is
1. Below 18 is underweight
2. 18 to 23 is normal in ASIAN / 25 in caucasian!
3. above that would be overweight followed by obesity!

Suggested diet for all is Fruits, Vegetables, fibre containing foods (oat, brown rice, wholemeal bread), Low fat milk.....
I think with this diet most of the guys will just say "KILL ME, JUST KILL ME"

*Using the term diabetes mellitus always because there is another diabetes insipidus which is totally different.....
Diabetes Mellitus is insufficient/resistance towards insulin
Diabetes Insipidus is insufficient/resistance towards ADH (Anti-diuretic Hormone) a.k.a Vasopressin



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