Mania and bipolar affective disorder
Signs of mania include
1. Mood : irritability, euphoria, lability
2. Cognition : grandiosity, flight of ideas, racing thoughts, distractibility, poor concentration, confusion, lack of insight
3. Behaviour : Rapid speech, hyperactivity, insomnia, hypersexuality, extravagance
4. Psychotic : delusions, hallucinations
*Less severe state: hypomania
*Occur alternative with depression: bipolar affective disorder
1. Physical: Infections, hyperthyroidism, SLE, thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, stroke, ECT
2. Drugs : Amphetamine, cocaine, antidepressants, cimetidine, captoril, steroids, L-dopa, baclofen
1. Olanzapine 10mg PO / sodium valproate 250mg/8h PO: acute moderate/severe mania
2. Lithium carbonate: prophylaxis
3. If lithium doesn’t give good control; consider lamotrigine (if mostly depression) or cabamazepine (if mostly manic)
Mnemonic for bipolar diagnosis: INSPIRE
I ncrease activity
N eed for sleep is reduced
S peed of thought increase
P ressure of words
I ncrease self-esteem / grandiosity
R educed inhibition
E asily distracted
1. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialty
2. Mnemonics for Medical Undergraduates (PasTest)