Tuesday, March 8, 2011


Neurosis refers to maladaptive psychological symptoms not due to organic causes or psychosis and usually precipitated by stress.

Generalized anxiety disorder: anxiety which present for more than 6 months with associated somatic symptoms and causing functional impairment

Symptoms of anxiety include tension, agitation, and feeling of impending doom, trembling, collapse, insomnia, poor concentration, goose flesh, hyperventilation, sweating, palpitation, poor appetite, nausea, and difficulty getting to sleep.

Causes could be stress, life events, genetic predisposition or faulty learning

Treatment would involve

1. Symptom control: listening is a good way to decrease anxiety

2. Regular exercise; meditation; relaxation

3. Cognitive behavioural therapy

4. Anxiolytics – diazepam, paroxetine, buspirone, beta-blocker, SSRI

*Easy Mnemonics to remember

Patient complain of PPI:

Panic Attacks, Pervasive apprehension, Impending doom

Abnormal worry: POOR

Painful, Out of proportion, Out of control, Recognisable


1. Oxford Handbook of Clinical Specialty

2. Neurotic Conditions Lecture by Dr. David Hayward

3. Mnemonics for Medical Undergraduates (PasTest)


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