Monday, May 25, 2009

Give Give Give

This passage is given to me by my lovely IMU librarian.

I know it is really random that she gave me this passage but yup she gave me... Read it and enjoy it...


Many of us have heard the expression "Giving is its own reward". And while this is certainly true, and more than reason enough to give, there is another aspect of giving that many fail to recognize.

Giving is an energy that not only helps others but creates even more for the person who is doing the giving. This is a natural law that is true regardless of whether the person who is giving wants or even realizes what is occurring.

Money is "circulation". It needs to flow. When you are frightened, selfish, or when you hoard everything for yourself, you literally stop the circulation. You create "clogged pipes," making it difficult to keep money flowing back in your direction. Any success you have is despite your lack of giving, not because of it. The way to get the flow going again is to start giving. Be generous. Pay others well, tip your waitress that extra dollar. Support several charities. Give back. Watch what happens! Things will start popping up out of nowhere.

The same dynamics is true if you want to fill your life with love or anything else worthwhile. Giving and receiving are two sides of the same coin. If you want more love, or fun, or respect, or success, or anything else, the way to get it is simple: GIVE IT AWAY. Don't worry about a thing. The universe knows what it's doing. Everything you give away will return, with interest!

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Friday, May 22, 2009


I am sure everyone is well aware of the recent H1N1 virus circulating around the world!! According to WHO the current statistics 22/05/2009 there is 11,168 person infected with 86 death. While in Malaysia is 2 reported cases and no death.

The signs and symptoms that is shown when a person is infected are as follow
1. High Fever
2. Dry cough
3. Muscle and joint pain
4. Sore Throat
5. Running Nose

Since it is influenza virus it is actually fight off by our own immune system.
It should resolve on its own in a period of 1 week. The incubation period is roughly 2 days. =)

People who are at higher risk are elderly, young children, patients who are immuno-compromised, people with diabetes and chronic heart failure.

The spread of H1N1 is by cough, droplets through sneezes. To prevent spread always wash your hands, close your mouth while sneezing and try to wear a mask if you can bare with it.

Treatment option are
1. Adamantanes: amantidine and remantadine
2. influenza neuraminidase inhibitor: zanamivir and oseltamivir



A question for all of you, if you are free please enlighten me k?

Today someone told me
"I have a crush on this boy but I don't want to start a relationship with him. Yet I want him to treat me better than anyone else, but i don't want to be in a relationship with him. I will be jealous if he treats other girls better than me. I don't want to commit into a relationship with him!"

Is it possible? Will you do it?

Is it worth to go after a something that you love very much even though it is unnecessary and at the same time all the situation is just going against your effort of getting it?

Enlighten me!

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Thursday, May 21, 2009


Hypertension aka high blood pressure have been a serious non-communicable disease in our society. Just reflect on our own family, there is surely someone in among our relatives who is suffering hypertension.

Hypertension is defined as systolic blood pressure of more than 130 mmHg or diastolic pressure of more than 90 mmHg

This have been increasing due to our lifestyle now a days. We are surrounded by unhealthy food, technology taking over our role in doing many chores and we are physically inactive.

So how do we deal with it?

Simply by changing our lifestyle.
1. Maintain a good body weight
Attain and maintain a BMI of less than 23kg per meter square of height. There are several ways of doing it and being the most simplest is exercise.

2. Reduce the intake of NaCl (salt) and increase intake of potassium
Try to avoid using too much salt in preparing our food. I know it will taste a little tasteless but you will soon get used to it. Our taste buds are dynamic and always changing, since it is so adapted to our salty diet that's why it needs sometime to tune back to the normal taste. =)
Banana is high in potassium, so try to have banana everyday. =)

3. DASH (Dietary Approach to Stop Hypertension)
Having high fruits and vegetables diet with low fat dairy products. Avoid saturated fats and high NaCl food.

4. Physical exercise
Try your very best to exercise at least 3 to 4 times a week and each session for at least 30 minutes. it need not be as vigorous as running away from a hungry lion. Normal walking or jogging is fine. =)
NOTE: Playing computer games is not an exercise! =.="

5. If you are an ALCOHOLIC.. Reduce the amount that you are drinking. For male, a day's quota is 2 cans of beer while in women is 1 can. Binge drinking is very unhealthy so STOP it...

Anyway, you might ask why should i bother??
Well hypertension have many complication
1. Developing Kidney Disease
2. Develop Congestive Heart Failure
3. Increase the change of having stroke (Cerebral Vascular Accident)
4. Obtaining Peripheral Arterial Disease.

It is a nasty disease. so Start preventing yourself from developing hypertension before it is too late!! Life's short Love it!!


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Needle Prick Injury

Needle injury is something that all health care profession is trying to avoid.
It is undeniable that some diseases can be transmitted through the contaminated blood.

Any lay-man would say just wash the wound and put on a plaster and you will be fine.
But let me here tell you IT IS NOT THAT SIMPLE!!

HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C are all transmissible through blood. with just a drop of blood on a cut wound, there is a chance of getting infected.

According to epidemiologic study, 3 out of 1000 health professional are infected with HIV through mucocutaneous prick. Even though it sound so insignificant but isn't it unfair that the health care professional is trying to save you but in return get a disease which is so deadly??

To avoid needle prick:

It will sound really ridiculous to know about this fact, but please bare in mind, one day you will visit some of your relatives in the hospital and if a health care professional do not deal with it seriously and accidentally injure you with it. That's it, you can sue and scold all you want but you can't get back the original health you have if you are tested positive...

SO Please take extra care when you are in the hospital or anywhere you see the handling of needles, bare in mind that disease are transmissible and only you can prevent yourself from danger by knowing it and be extra careful.

This society is full of ignorant people which do not bother or care for others. Just by following the protocol of handling with needle properly, needle stick injury wouldn't be a big fuss in all health care center.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Emotion Driven

I have always wondered am I really in the correct profession!
I am so emotionally driven, trying to be as friendly, caring and helpful as I could.
Since it is not really a natural thing, some of the times i really do feel exhausted of trying! There is always thoughts of whether all these are just worth the effort or not? Am I being appreciated?

Trying as much as possible to be cheerful as possible eventhough being stepped on and talk about... Is this all worth the efforts?

Psychologically, I personally feel that i am facing a depression. A person can be in depression eventhough he looks cheerful and smiles a lot... Well, i think i heard it in the radio... so it might not be true!

Just don't feel so good today. How could i be a doctor when i can't even control my emotions? This is really really bad!! Guess it is just part of our on going life...


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Heat Spell

These few months everyone have been complaining about the weather!

So what do we do???
1. Switch on our air condition at home - ENVIRONMENTALLY UNHEALTHY!!
2. Take bath several times a day - acceptable but still Environmental unfriendly by wasting water!!
4. Wear lesser! - OOOOOOoooooo exposing babes... and hotties!! =)
5. Rehydrate - Drink more water.... (most suggested)

*If you really can't stand the heat spell... Go over to IMU and enter the WINTER PART of the LIBRARY! IT will freeze you! @@

Anyway, take home message is to over come the heat spell...

Heat can cause mental fatigue - so be extra careful and think twice before deciding to prevent making mistakes!


Friday, May 15, 2009

Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Self Management Education

Diabetes Mellitus has one of the highest prevalence in Malaysia. It is the job of medical educators to promote the importance of diabetic education to the poor patients and also the ignorant public. Diabetes Mellitus if it is not well taken care of will cause many different complications such as diabetic nephropathy, neuropathy, diabetic foot disease, hypertension, more susceptable to infection and the list goes on and on.....

I bet you dont' want to find yourself one day in the dialysis centre down dialysis 3 times a week each session taking 3-4 hours of your life.... DIABETES can make this a reality if you don't start controlling and preventing it!!

This is really going to be boring if i continue to type like this.

So lets take a little scenario of our daily life....
Diet: How much do you take???? Burger, FAT, NO Vegetables??? Bad bad!
I just have the cravings for the fatty jack daniels TGIF burger! OMG the juicy beef, soaking my mouth!!! Bringing myself to OBESITY!! Might end up with a shorter life!! @.@

To prevent diabetes mellitus, the first step is to CONTROL your WEIGHT!! I am very sure each and everyone of us are aware of the term BMI (Body Mass Index)....
*don't lie i know some of you don't know*

To make this a little more idiot prove....
Body Mass Index = your weight in kg divide by your height in m twice!!

Ok... lets see in my list of friends, MOST Probably to be overweight!
2. Jin Hang or Kevin
3. Darren
4. Benjamin
5. Surely underweight Kok Yuen, Haow Kang, Kok Ket, Zheng Shan!! I am surprised you guys are not malnutrient!! =)

This is a little sensitive topic to the girls so i am not going to rank them!! =)
Well you know for yourself!!

BMI ranking is
1. Below 18 is underweight
2. 18 to 23 is normal in ASIAN / 25 in caucasian!
3. above that would be overweight followed by obesity!

Suggested diet for all is Fruits, Vegetables, fibre containing foods (oat, brown rice, wholemeal bread), Low fat milk.....
I think with this diet most of the guys will just say "KILL ME, JUST KILL ME"

*Using the term diabetes mellitus always because there is another diabetes insipidus which is totally different.....
Diabetes Mellitus is insufficient/resistance towards insulin
Diabetes Insipidus is insufficient/resistance towards ADH (Anti-diuretic Hormone) a.k.a Vasopressin


Monday, May 11, 2009

When you believe

Many nights we pray
With no proof anyone could hear
And our hearts a hopeful song
We barely understand
Now we are not afraid
Although we know theres much to fear
We were moving mountains long
Before we know we could

Oah yes
There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
Its hard to kill
Who know what miracle
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe

In this time of fear
When prayer so often proves in vain
Hope seems like the summer birds

Too swiftly flown away
And now I am standing here
My hearts so full I cant explain
Seeking faith and speaking words
I never thought Id say

There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
Its hard to kill
Who know what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe

They dont always happen when you ask
And its easy to give in to your fear
But when youre blinded by your pain
Cant see you way safe through the rain
Thought of a still resilient voice
Says love is very near

There can be miracles
When you believe
Though hope is frail
Its hard to kill
Who know what miracles
You can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will
You will when you believe
You will when you believe
You will when you believe
You will when you believe
Just believe
You will when you

An inspiring song that we all should sing within our hearts. 
There is lot of things that we could achieve if we start believing in our own capabilities.
The ever first step to success is learning to believe in yourself.


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Opening of a New Blog

This blog is exclusively for selected members to read!
FEEL PRIVILEGED if you are selected! *Selected Ones*

Anyway, this blog is mainly for me to pour out my feelings as a really weird medical student who do not score really good results but surrounded by many activities, and great friends!
Some of my post will be about what i just studied but in a way that I would approach to a normal person to explain to them about the disease. 

Maybe by writting in the blog i might be a able to improve my studies as well

If there is any questions don't worry, just ask, I will try my very best to answer it as well as i could!

Today is Wesak Day, a glorious day to create something new!

Welcome to my blog....
